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Learn about the Lies told to make you believe the Negro is a an Immigrant from Africa!
c. 1300, "stingy person," short for niggard (q.v.). As an abbreviated form of nigger, attested by c. 1832, American English, a term too often applied ... to the Indian natives."
“Powhatan more like a devil then a man with some two hundred more as black as himself, came unto him and told him now they were friends, and presently he should go to Jamestown.”
“They are dark in color, not unlike the Ethiopians, with thick black hair, not very long, tied back behind the head like a small tail.”hey have broad chests and strong arms and legs, and on the whole, are very well proportioned. Their eyes are large and black, and have a quick and watchful look to them. Though they do not seem extraordinarily strong, they are swift and resistant runners.”
“Their hair is black, gross, long and thick, the men have no beards, their noses are broad flat and full at the end, great big Lips, and wide mouths (yet nothing so unsightly as the Moors ”
“The Children live with their Parents ; the Boyes until] they come to the (full growth of men, (ſor they reckon not by yeeres,as we doe) then they are put into the number of Bow-men, and are called Black Boyes (and to continue until they take them wives) When they are to be made Black-boyes, the ancient men that governed the younger, them, That if they will valiant and obedient to the Weroance, Wifes and Cokcorooses, then their god will love them, all men will esteeme of them, and they Shall kill Deere, and Turkies, catch Fish, and all things Shall goo well with them.”
The Indians in Maryland are a People generally of streight, able, and well portion'd Bodies, something exceeding the ordinary pitch of the English ^their Complexion Swarthy, their Hair naturally long and black, without Curle, whid generally they cut after some stran'ge Fantaslical Mode ; nay, sometimes they it with red and other prepofterous Colours : They Liquor their Skins with i Grease, and other Oils, which renders them more tawny, and lefs apt to rc< injury from the Weather : They are fubtile from their Infancy, and prone to 1 any thing their Fancy inclines them to, in other things flothfuL."
"Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth."
“Am I a negro, a slave? I am an Indian. The white man shall not make me black. I will make the white man red with blood, and then blacken him in the sun and rain, where the wolf shall smell his bones and the vulture live upon his flesh.”
Primary Sources such as the one cited to the left was written in 1612 by William Strachey state that the Indigenous Indians of Virginia were shades of brown skin complexion. He goes on to write we had black gross thick hair, noses broad at the end with Big Lips!
We are Brown Skinned Indigenous Afro American Indian People. We are not African American , African Mixed, Black, Negro, Colored or Mulatto.
Via a cruel system of 1600 Slave Codes and The 1924 Integrity Act and War and Debt Bondage we were transformed from American Indian to Mulatto Colored Negro , Black, Afro American and African American!
If we were Africans we would have always been called by our true place of origin.
The Appearance (Phenotype), Reclassification and Enslavement of the Accawmackes
The Accawmacke along with other Virginia Indians are recorded in various books such, “The History of Virginia in Four Parts, History of Virginia. Book 3, Chapter 1, page 140, as appearing in this manner, “Their Colour when they are grown up, is chestnut brown and tawny, but much clearer in their infancy. Their skin comes afterward to harden and grow blacker, by greasing and sunning themselves.” It is apparent from all very early writings about Virginia’s first Indians; that the American Indians the colonist first encountered, had a negroid appearance.
Hence, the early American Indigenous Accawmacke Indians were easily reclassified as Free people of Color and or Negro, Colored and Mulatto Slaves. This is greatly proven by the book entitled “The Historie of Travaile into Virginia Britannia,” written by William Strachey in 1612, where he wrote, in Caput V, the chapter headline, “A true description of the people; of their cullour, attire, ornaments, constitution, disposition” as the first line reads, “They are generally a cullour browne or rather tawnye.” The next page further describes their appearance as, “Their hayre is black, grosse, long and thicke. The men have no beards, their noses are broad, flatt and full at the end, great bigge Lippes and wyde mouthed, (yet nothing so unsightly as the Moores) they are generally tall of statue, and straight, of comely proportion and the women have handsome limbs, slender arms and pretty hands and when they sang they have a delightful and pleasant tang in their voices.”
Regrettably, this early account differs vastly from the information perpetuated by the Virginia Assembly which established laws stating an Indian could only be 1/4 Negro. This meant a true American Indian could only claim to be an American Indian if they had highly Caucasian Europeans bloodlines. If you appeared chestnut brown or very brown with “full Lippes and broad flat noses” as the early accounts described the first American Indian; you could not be identified as American Indian. Thus, the American Indigenous Accawmacke Indian who have always had a Negroid appearance, lost their identity in being called people of color, negro, colored, black; and today, African American.
Accawmacke Clarification of False Historic Information
The fact is the term of Africa for the Continent of Africa was not popularly utilized in the 1600’s. The Continent presently known as Africa was not generally called Africa until the 1900’s. In the 1600’s Africa was chiefly known as Ethiopia. In fact, rather than use the term “Africa”, the specific people, tribes, countries and territories were named; not the entire continent.
Also, in the 1400’s, present day Indian’s was not known as Indian, it was known as Hindustan. There was no accidentally calling American Indians, Indian, because Hindustan was not the destination, America was the destination. Columbus knew where he was going. Columbus was a Spanish Moorish profiteer and a slave trader with a map given to him by the Moors. Columbus even took American Indians from Hispaniola as slave samples to Europe. America has been a major trade destination since man could sail. For that reason, there is an American Indian heritage throughout Africa and Europe today.
Today many writings are falsely naming Angola the origin of so-called 1619 African slaves in Virginia. First, there are no historical records or primary sources of information citing the term African slaves in Virginia. Also, Angola did not exist in the 1600’s. In the1600’s, Angola was called the Congo. Many people are told that they have relatives that are from Guinea and assume that means they were African. When in fact, once again, you have to look to what Guinea meant at the time and place of your so-called ancestor’s arrival. Many people are called Guinea in multiple parts of world including many of the American islands, Central America and Louisiana. Genealogy requires placing your family history in correct historical context to the planet’s timeline.
Even the Washington RED Skins portrayed us as Dark Brown Reddish Skinned Chestnut Brown.The Confederate ten dollar bill showcased dark brown indians.
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